We are a private organization dedicated to finding solutions for families facing the challenges of severe autism, where establishing communication and learning can be especially difficult. Our mission is to enhance a child's visual and auditory processing abilities through discrete trials and interactive play, in alignment with the objectives outlined in their Individualized Program Plan (IPP). We customize teaching steps and materials to encourage attention, cooperation, and provide ample opportunities for sensory play, promoting self-regulation. The supportive environment is designed to help children learn in their own unique way while fostering confidence and a sense of regulation.
We utilize APPT for the initial skill level assessment and as a progress tracking tool. Plan is tailored for children with autism who face difficulties in comprehension, self-care, and motor coordination, which affect their socio-communication, play and emotional development. APPT is adaptable to each child’s needs, supporting skill growth across various domains and can be integrated into their IEP at school. Improving child’s comprehension, building play and coping skills and structuring their daily activities, help alleviate most of the challenging behaviours.
To create individualized plans, we assess each child’s development by reviewing their emotional and social growth charts, diagnostic report, previous interventions and progress, and parental feedback for the APPT Questionnaire. The plan is finalized after evaluating child's abilities in a structured yet relaxed setting. Ongoing work and play sessions with data and feedback ensure that the steps and the materials are regularly updated or replaced. New challenges and situations are constantly identified, and we prioritize creating programs to address those pro actively.